Unobtrusive JavaScript, Layering, and Separation of Concerns.

In this post i am going to explain the notation of Unobtrusive JavaScript, Layering and Separation of Concerns. It is considered a best practice to separate web pages into three areas of concern: content (HTML),


In this post i am going to explain the notation of Unobtrusive JavaScript, Layering and Separation of Concerns. It is considered a best practice to separate web pages into three areas of concern: content (HTML),

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Knockout Observable Vs ObservableArray

Knockout is a library designed for Model-View-ViewModel(MVVM) development. Knockout provides three necessary components to implement this pattern, a declarative syntax for the view(data-bind Html attribute), a mechanism to nitify changes from the viewmodel(Observable object), and


Knockout is a library designed for Model-View-ViewModel(MVVM) development. Knockout provides three necessary components to implement this pattern, a declarative syntax for the view(data-bind Html attribute), a mechanism to nitify changes from the viewmodel(Observable object), and

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JavaScript in one big picture

A graph that shows off JavaScript’s syntax, identifiers, operators, and more in a single image. Here is the github link. javascript-in-one-big-picture JavaScript Garden Learn ECMAScript 6 by doing it 7 Essential JavaScript Functions Predictions on


A graph that shows off JavaScript’s syntax, identifiers, operators, and more in a single image. Here is the github link. javascript-in-one-big-picture JavaScript Garden Learn ECMAScript 6 by doing it 7 Essential JavaScript Functions Predictions on

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JavaScript Module Pattern explained

Here I am going to explain in detail about JavaScript Module pattern which is one of the most significant patterns in JavaScript. The Module pattern allows developers to organize their applications in modules or functional


Here I am going to explain in detail about JavaScript Module pattern which is one of the most significant patterns in JavaScript. The Module pattern allows developers to organize their applications in modules or functional

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Understanding Entity Framework

What is Entity Framework? Entity Framework is an Object Relational Mapper (ORM) from Microsoft that lets the application’s developer’s work with relational data as business models. It eliminates the need for most of the plumbing


What is Entity Framework? Entity Framework is an Object Relational Mapper (ORM) from Microsoft that lets the application’s developer’s work with relational data as business models. It eliminates the need for most of the plumbing

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How to use WIX toolset in Visual Studio

Hi there! In this post I am going to explain how to use WiX tools set in Visual Studio to create windows installer package or MSI. What is WiX and how and where to get


Hi there! In this post I am going to explain how to use WiX tools set in Visual Studio to create windows installer package or MSI. What is WiX and how and where to get

folder_open WIX
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